Wednesday 11 December 2019

Garen Armstrong-The Career Versus The Job

Garen ArmstrongThis is usually a matter of compensation and credentials required. If you have to take schooling to obtain a job most would call it a career. If you are paid good money and are considered skilled then you likely have a career in most people's eyes. The other option is the low paying, low skill jobs that basically anyone can do. It's very unlikely that you will feel you have achieved the ultimate wealth and the ultimate freedom working a job. A career is where most successful entrapreneurs start before they build their first big business that makes them rich.We need to support ourselves and we need cash flow to start a big business.

Personal Time And Work

We want to find a job or a career that promotes balanced life plans. We don't want to work a job that doesn't allow us to enjoy our family time and works us so much we can barely support our families let alone spend time with them due to a lack of a time in our schedules or complete exhaustion from working long hard hours. Before we decide to tell our bosses we want some time off we must consider some of the following:

 First, most large companies now support balanced life plans - in other words, they

recognize the need for their employees to take vacations and time off for appointments and family life. In most small companies all bets are off they want dedicated workers that work strict schedules with little or no paid vacation. Smaller companies may not have to adhere to government regulations and some labour laws.

 Universities and companies are coming together to provide better work relations and more flexible schedules to their employees. They also work to teach other businesses to bring the family needs of their employees into consideration and balance family and work in employee's lives. Businesses are recognizing the value of people who work even low skilled jobs offering them flexible vacation packages and time off work for personal needs like appoitnments and sabbaticals.

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