Wednesday 11 December 2019

Garen Armstrong The Energy of Our Thoughts The Way We Think Means Everything!

Garen ArmstrongIf we want something we should first think, AND believe we will have it. Just wanting it will do nothing for us. Do you just want it or will you have it? Is it better to say I am going to get a new car? Right up until that moment it can be a true statement in our mind, and this will drive us closer to the goal. Our thoughts become energy; if our thoughts are negative the energy is negative and will drive people away from us and drive us further away from most of our goals. If the energy is positive it will attract people to us and combined our energy is expanded together and individually. The energy of a thought expands each time we think it or someone else thinks it. The more we think "I want to buy a new car", the closer we will get to saying, "I am going to buy a new car", and it will become a concrete goal and activity in our calendar. Until then turn: "I want to buy a car", into: "I am going to buy a new car" and take a leap forward with new energy.Dreaming of our wants builds more energy, the more it expands, the more it begins to attract like energy. If we are surrounded by things that do not please us we may emit negative energy. Dead end jobs, horrible bosses, bad relationships, never getting what we want, constant struggle, conflict, built up anger, etc. These things will fall on our lap if our thinking is negative and not focused in achieving our wants. If our thoughts are positive we will attract positive energy and positive things will come to us.

We may be skeptical that it's as easy as thinking about something. Our thoughts become energy, first inside of us and then all around us. Positive thoughtsand energy empower us, while any negative thought impairs us if not to allow us to learn. The evidence of this is all around us. The trick is recognizing the flow of this energy, and how it creates our reality.It has to do with more than just thinking about it, we all know this. But thinking about how we should react in our life is also an important factor in the equation. If we want to buy a new car we may get upset that we get turned down for financing, and therefore can't get the car. If we blow up and take it out on the car salesperson we may miss an opportunity that he would have presented to us when we explain how disappointed we were, and how much we really wanted a car.

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